In this one-day, concealed carry class we’ll devote the majority of the session to building comfort drawing and shooting your pistol from concealment—safely. We will touch upon how to properly carry concealed as well as equipment selection and clothing, but let’s face it there are a plethora of resources out there for this type of information (and we’ll direct you to a few of the best). The primary focus of our time together will be to get in many reps safely drawing a pistol from concealment (inside-the-waistband or outside-the waistband holster), shooting, and holstering under the guidance of instructors—something you cannot get from other resources (e.g., YouTube).
Participants will learn:
- Defensive mindset, shooting to stop the threat, shot accountability
- Proper draw and holstering of a concealed pistol
- Drawing from concealment and engaging targets at ranges from 3 to 20 yards
- Accessing reloads from concealment and getting the pistol back into action quickly
- Engaging multiple targets as well as identifying and using cover
- Best practices for concealed carry
Note: This IS NOT a law of self-defense class nor will it cover the many “what ifs” of self-defense encounters. We’ll direct you to resources for this information during the class.
Prerequisite info: Students are required to have taken defensive handgun training at an advanced level either from Paladin Group Training (Defensive Pistol Workshops) or with a recognized trainer/academy before taking this class. Prospective students should expect to be vetted by Paladin before being accepted into this class. An in-person demonstration of skills and safe gun handling may be requested prior to acceptance. Students must possess a valid Massachusetts LTC (resident or non-resident).
This course requires physical activity including kneeling and running for short distances. Please be realistic about your abilities.
CLICK HERE for Required Equipment List
Please be sure to read over the equipment requirements BEFORE registering. HOLSTER and GUN selection for this class are very important. And provide the necessary specific info when filling out the registration form below.
Upcoming Class Dates:
(Class size is limited)
Class will return in the spring. Stay tuned for dates.
Price: $200 per student ($180 for DF&GC members). After submitting your registration form (below), you will be contacted regarding payment. We accept Venmo and credit cards. Do not pay until contacted with either a credit card or Venmo invoice from us. Payment is typically due within 24 hours of invoicing in order to reserve your spot in the class.
This class is held at Danvers Fish & Game Club in Middleton, MA, and both club members and non-members may register to attend.
If you have questions about this class, contact paladingrouptraining@gmail.com.